Tuesday, September 30, 2014


According to eBird, other people have since spotted my mystery bird at Presqu'ile and come to the same conclusion I did, so I think it's safe to say that I did indeed find a Prothonotary Warbler. Well outside of what is considered its usual range, as far as I know. But as a friend recently reminded me: it's migration, weird crap happens.

The obligatory bad photos:

Warbler photo warbler1_zpsf36c1ae0.jpg

Warbler photo warbler2_zps3ff882c1.jpg

Warbler photo warbler3_zps533e1273.jpg

Warbler photo warbler4_zpsd0936f1c.jpg

Warbler photo warbler5_zps88a29eaa.jpg

A warbler with a bright yellow head and breast, grey wings, white undertail coverts, and no other visible markings (e.g., eye ring, wing bars, streaking). It probably should have been a no-brainer from those clues, but hey, when you find an Endangered species in a place where it really shouldn't be, you can't help but second (and third, and fourth) guess yourself.

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