Monday, March 3, 2014

Achievement Unlocked: Snowy Owl

Seems like everyone and their dog has seen a Snowy Owl this winter.  Record numbers reported all over the place.  The local birding mailing list was full of people who had seen multiple owls, sometimes all in one outing.  But despite my best efforts, the Snowies managed to elude me... until this weekend.

My trusty travelling companion and I went on the hunt yesterday in the Linwood area in Wellington County, and we were successful at last.  Came along at just the right time to see a big pale flappy thing landing in a tree halfway back in a field.  If it hadn't been moving, I think we still would have missed it; for big freaking birds they apparently hide very well.  Stupid survival-enhancing camoflage.

Snowy Owl, March 2 photo snowy_zps54f70c32.jpg

...yeah, I didn't say we got a close look.  This is why I bought a scope.  If I ever second-guessed myself about that purchase, those doubts have been vanquished forever.

So now my life list is sitting at a comfortable 190 species.  I wonder if I can make 200 over the course of spring migration?  It might mean venturing further into the confusing realm of gulls and shorebirds, but I think I'm ready to take that step.