Sunday, July 17, 2016


Yesterday I took myself out to a butterfly census and spent the day rediscovering that some bugs are pretty darned cool. Unsurprisingly, I have been left with a burning urge to learn my dragonflies.

Dragonflies, damselflies, and butterflies are very charismatic bugs, and dragonflies in particular have really awesome names. Ebony Boghaunter, seriously. Cobra Clubtail. Eastern Pondhawk. Dragonhunter. How could you not want to know what these things look like.

Yes, we were technically looking for butterflies, but it's inevitable when you get together a group of people who are inclined towards the outdoors that you end up looking at anything and everything within reach. We saw Calico Pennants, Common Whitetails, some really huge ones that I didn't ID because I didn't have my binoculars, and these guys:

(Blue Dasher)

The group who did the butterfly census is running a bioblitz on their property in a few weeks, so hopefully I'll get another crack at the odonates in the area. From what I understand, the person who previously acted as their dragonfly expert moved away, so there may be a vacancy to fill....

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