Yesterday I did the rounds at the Guelph Arboretum. Saw a lot of the usual suspects: Chickadees, Mourning Doves, Downy Woodpeckers, various Nuthatches, Cardinals, and about 1.7 million Goldfinches. Give or take. Also spotted was a pair of Purple Finches, which was noteworthy to me, at least (I always think of them as winter birds, it was odd to see them only now when it's spring), three Northern Flickers, both Ruby- and Golden-crowned Kinglets, and a single Yellow-rumped Warbler.
(Purple Finch, sadly in the shade - note raspberry-pink colouring, lack of breast streaking, and distinct lines on face)
Today I ventured a little further, out to Snyder's Flats where the resident Osprey pair was back on the nest. The Tree Swallows looked to be setting up shop, too, squabbling over the next boxes and being their usual adorable selves.
Anyone who says they don't like Tree Swallows has got to be lying, because seriously, what's not to love? Still one of my favourites.
There were 11 Caspian Terns out on one of the ponds, also four Blue-winged Teal and some Bufflehead. And at least three Eastern Meadowlarks singing away from near the parking lot.
(Caspian Terns - note heavy orange bill, and size in comparison to the Ring-billed Gull in the second photo)
(Blue-winged Teal and Canada Goose)
(Eastern Meadowlark)
On a non-bird note, the Wood Frogs and Spring Peepers were singing at the Arboretum yesterday, and more Peepers plus Leopard Frogs at Snyder's Flats today. Guess it's finally warmed up enough for them, although I think we're supposed to get minus temperatures at night this week again. I also saw my first snake of the year today: at least three Common Garters near the riverbank, sunning. Wonder if there was a hibernaculum nearby?